fuck you idiot piece of shit. Heres a truth for you. If you are fucking on a crocadile, 27% of the time that same crocodile will bite your asshole off and prevent you from shiiting for the rest of your life. He'll just rip your asshole clean from your ass and in 7 days you will die from non shitting.
Yea dude i understand, apperantly if you leave a bad rating for a flash in your comment your supposed to leave somthing that would help the flash maker.BUt COMON!!!!!!!! THEY R JUZ SPAMING AND EVERYONE KNOWS IT!!!!!!!!!! Death619 (better known as I hope your mum is shot and dies you fag) i gave him a bad rating and review on a flash (idk if he made it or helped) but i gave it bad review 0/10 stars and a very angry comment. yet even though the review was rated helpful i think it got deleted or so.
TedRube (Updated )
yep. That's the stupid loophole about newgrounds. Problem is spammers don't even bother about any criticism. They just don't care =X And try to spread this post, the more the people know about this problem, the better.
Good to see we have the same views :D